How can I quickly find a document from a few weeks ago without remembering its title?

Ever found yourself in a frenzy trying to locate a document you worked on weeks ago, but all you remember are some keywords and a vague timeframe? Fear not, because Buzee has got your back!

Follow these simple steps to effortlessly track down that elusive file.

  1. Launch Buzee: Open up Buzee on your desktop and get ready to harness its search prowess.

  2. Specify a Timeframe: To narrow down your search to the relevant timeframe, add a rough timeline to your search. For instance, if you recall working on the document between August 2023 and September 2023, type aug 2023 to sept 2023 into the search bar.

A timeframe search shows all files that were modified in that timeframe

  1. Keyword Search: If timeframe search doesn’t work for you, input the keywords that you remember from the document. For example, if your document was related to community involvement, type "community involvement" (including the double quotes) into the search bar.

A double quoted search tells Buzee to find that exact phrase

  1. Specify Timeframe with the Keywords: To further narrow down your search, add the rough timeline before or after your keywords. Here, for instance, you would type "community involvement" aug 2023 to sept 2023 into the search bar.

You can mix a timeframe search with a double quoted search for extra precision

  1. Hit Enter and Voila!: Press enter, and watch as Buzee sifts through your documents with lightning speed ⚡️. Your desired document should now appear in the search results, ready for you to access with just a click. (Or the press of the Space bar if you are on a Mac!)

With Buzee’s intuitive search functionality, locating documents based on vague recollections has never been easier. Say goodbye to the frustration of searching through countless “Untitled Document” files and hello to streamlined document retrieval.

Try it out today and witness the magic for yourself!
