
Find your docs, effortlessly

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"It just works"

— You, soon

I find Buzee very enjoyable and superior to Apple’s Spotlight!

Searching on your computer is TEDIOUS

It is SLOW

“My computer hangs every single time I click the search bar”

It is mostly IRRELEVANT

“The search results are a mishmash of random documents”

It takes too much EFFORT

“I have to meticulously organise my folders, and yet, search sucks”

Finally, a search app for regular people

Buzee has two purposes:

  • Find the document you need, when you need it
  • Sit quietly by your side, ready to help when called
Lightning bolt


Quick search, always ready to go

Lightning bolt


Install in 1-click, then search from anywhere on your computer

Lightning bolt


Get relevant search results only, no distractions

Lightning bolt


Your data never leaves your computer

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Cheers! See you soon.